Sunday 21 June 2015

A letter to my Childrens King

           In my eyes you are perfect and when we get married you will be my ideal husband.
You will be the strength  of our home , you will be the KING. You will be the one that myself and our children would come seeking for advice and help from,so I expect that when our Angels come calling;
Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy,you will respond by saying 'yes love,sweetness,adorable,lovelies.
            Be the sun to them like you will be to me.
       I want to walk into your office and see pictures of 'Our Angels' all over your desk smiling at you.
When you leave home in the morning,drop them off at school and as you pull through the rest of the day let these little angels and their chubby smiles fill your mind.
Baby,keep them warm always,
feed them,
cloth them,
bath them,
Pick roses for my Princess and teach my Prince how to play football.
As you owe to me your patience,your love,wisdom and understanding so do you owe our children your attention,time,money,strength,support and above all your love.
You owe them your guiding light.
Teach them their homework,
Chase after butterflies with them and play peekaboo  and allow them to fall asleep in your arms just like I will do.
kiss the forehead of our children as much as you will kiss my lips,it will be my greatest joy.
Give them your time,
take them out,have fun together with them.
Let your steadfast love be their anchor in any storm .
Baby,when our Prince and Princess skin their knees,kindly chase away their tears.
And when they are old enough to drive a car ,please patiently teach them how to .
you will be my provider,make our home a happy and a sweet one for these little ones.
Call us when you will be late in coming home ,
make our babies jump at the sound of the horn of your car at the gate of our house.
Create a sense of stability and security in our household because of our Angels.
I am thankful that I would be able to depend on you but I will be more thankful if our Angels can depend on you to be responsible,trustworthy and a great role model.
Baby,show your feelings to our children everyday  just like you would show them to me.
Remind them of your love for them just like you would remind me everyday of the years I will be married  to you.
Make them laugh,joyous and happy .Do scold them when they are being naughty but please do that with love and do not be harsh with them.
Never allow our angels to go hungry not even for a second.
Remember that our Princess needs her dad to show her a man who is good and to help her make the right choices so love her with a manly charm,and sooth her when she's hurt.
Let our Prince be able to  say that you are a first class father,kind,smart and loving,
Teach him how to be a man and guide him along every step of the way and show him that you are strong and gentle too.
as you will never be too busy for me so should you never be too busy for our children.
Prove to our Prince and Princess that I chose a great-mate as a father for them.
Thank you for loving us.......

Your beautiful wife writes.

This is dedicated to Godfada#1,(Mr.Cornelius Fredua-Agyeman).Dear you are a father for all and you play that role better. This is also for all the adorable men in my life and for everyone one who in one way or the other played a fatherly role in my life. God bless you all.