Sunday 21 June 2015

A letter to my Childrens King

           In my eyes you are perfect and when we get married you will be my ideal husband.
You will be the strength  of our home , you will be the KING. You will be the one that myself and our children would come seeking for advice and help from,so I expect that when our Angels come calling;
Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy,you will respond by saying 'yes love,sweetness,adorable,lovelies.
            Be the sun to them like you will be to me.
       I want to walk into your office and see pictures of 'Our Angels' all over your desk smiling at you.
When you leave home in the morning,drop them off at school and as you pull through the rest of the day let these little angels and their chubby smiles fill your mind.
Baby,keep them warm always,
feed them,
cloth them,
bath them,
Pick roses for my Princess and teach my Prince how to play football.
As you owe to me your patience,your love,wisdom and understanding so do you owe our children your attention,time,money,strength,support and above all your love.
You owe them your guiding light.
Teach them their homework,
Chase after butterflies with them and play peekaboo  and allow them to fall asleep in your arms just like I will do.
kiss the forehead of our children as much as you will kiss my lips,it will be my greatest joy.
Give them your time,
take them out,have fun together with them.
Let your steadfast love be their anchor in any storm .
Baby,when our Prince and Princess skin their knees,kindly chase away their tears.
And when they are old enough to drive a car ,please patiently teach them how to .
you will be my provider,make our home a happy and a sweet one for these little ones.
Call us when you will be late in coming home ,
make our babies jump at the sound of the horn of your car at the gate of our house.
Create a sense of stability and security in our household because of our Angels.
I am thankful that I would be able to depend on you but I will be more thankful if our Angels can depend on you to be responsible,trustworthy and a great role model.
Baby,show your feelings to our children everyday  just like you would show them to me.
Remind them of your love for them just like you would remind me everyday of the years I will be married  to you.
Make them laugh,joyous and happy .Do scold them when they are being naughty but please do that with love and do not be harsh with them.
Never allow our angels to go hungry not even for a second.
Remember that our Princess needs her dad to show her a man who is good and to help her make the right choices so love her with a manly charm,and sooth her when she's hurt.
Let our Prince be able to  say that you are a first class father,kind,smart and loving,
Teach him how to be a man and guide him along every step of the way and show him that you are strong and gentle too.
as you will never be too busy for me so should you never be too busy for our children.
Prove to our Prince and Princess that I chose a great-mate as a father for them.
Thank you for loving us.......

Your beautiful wife writes.

This is dedicated to Godfada#1,(Mr.Cornelius Fredua-Agyeman).Dear you are a father for all and you play that role better. This is also for all the adorable men in my life and for everyone one who in one way or the other played a fatherly role in my life. God bless you all.

Wednesday 8 April 2015


The month of March left me with such sweet memories as this one.................

I have been dreaming of roses and lilies ever since I met Trenton St.James. Is it normal to think of a guy I have  known for only a month?
I like him .Its been like this ever since we met on the elevator,or perhaps  should I say;he broke the eggs Melanie gave me for  Mummy while we were both rushing to get on the elevator. We became friends that day and even though we hardly saw each other,we talked as often as we could on the phone. Trenton lived in Aburi but drove to work in the city everyday of the week while I live and work in the city.
Last night during what had become our regular long conversations on the phone, we agreed to meet and have dinner together the next day. Lying   down, my mind raced with thoughts of how it would go,Everyone has those days ,right?
I gazed   onto the streets from the window across my desk on the 11th floor of the Orange house radio station. The sky was baby blue and tinted with black in the distance.The streets were full with people busily going about their daily activities. I was lost in the rhythm of the branches as they danced to every brush of the wind,and ever so silently,the sound of the song by All 4 One begun to play...............

'I hear the sound of your heart beating,
don't say a word, I know what you are feeling,
Just hold me close,don't be afraid,
These arms wont let your heart break...........

Was it normal to think of a friend more than normal? I wondered to myself. Was it even right to think about him in the way I had been? The thoughts of him came almost naturally,and without any effort .Resting my head in the palm of my hand and propped up by my elbow on the table I laughed at myself. I never used to think of him like I did now,but I always told myself that we were just friends and that this feeling would go away. Just then my phone rung,it was my producer. He needed me to get my news stories together as we were about to go on air.

A couple of hours later,just after closing time, Melanie Watson my best friend and co-worker dropped by my office to catch up on some girly stuff. She was a bit disappointed when I mentioned dinner with Trenton ; our Friday evenings were mostly spent eating pizza and drinking lemonade at 6th bistro, and the look on her face showed she was not in the least pleased that she would be hanging out alone,especially since it was a Friday night.

When she left I went back to work,looking for stories  for the next day. An hour later my phone beeped with a text message and just as I reached out for it, I lifted my head and there stood Trenton in th doorway of my office beaming with smiles. How long had he been standing there? I wondered to myself. He had beautiful eyes ,I hadn't quite realized until today. I quickly shut down my computer and picked up my hand bag.
On the way downstairs he asked , ' I hope you like flowers'?....'Flowers'? oh yes! I gasped. ''Good'', he said as we got into his car, ''look in the back''. I looked and thought 'Yikes' because sitting in the back seat was a bouquet of flowers  in my favorite colors ,pink and yellow....'.Hmmmmmmm',this guy is romantic, I thought to myself.

I was roused from this happy thought by him saying 'I got dinner from Urban taste so we are driving to;Pinocchio's  to eat'. By then I was in my demure girl mode and responded appropriately, 'oh I am fine with anything'................ I had been wanting to go to Pinocchio's for God knows how long. It was a new place in town, a park on a hill that had the whole view of Sun city beneath it. It had a bar ,a cafe and a little island that could be reached by a canoe.

At Pinocchio's ,the moon was out and cast a silver glow across the sprawling landscape. We sat on the grass to have our steamed vegetables,fried rice and mushrooms and shredded chicken for dinner. And there was wine too,Trenton loved wine.
Trenton looked amazingly handsome as the light  from the stars shone down on him. His black curly hair was brushed up neatly but his eyes are what I really noticed most of all.

I leaned over as we talked on and on and watched the city fall asleep beneath us. I didn't even noticed how often he smiled every time our eyes met. Every time he laughed I laughed back too.
The night was getting cold and my soles began to hurt from the heels I had worn during the day. I stretched them out on his lap and he begun to massage them. A smile formed on my lips. I hardly got such favors from a guy . In fact I didn't even remember the last time someone actually took time to give me a massage. His hands were warm and comforting to my feet and he did it with so much ease and pace.It was as if he worked in a spa.

My eyes were closed the whole time,When I opened them he was there staring right into them. My world froze and my heart missed several beats. My eyes moistened as he drew closer and kissed was mm.....It was a soft   lingering kiss and sweet  too. Finally he broke the kiss and I got all shy.
Trenton stood up and helped me up too. Our night together had ended,and we needed to get home to catch some sleep,as Trenton was scheduled for a trip to Kenya and had an early morning flight to catch.

It was just past midnight when we finally made our way home. In the car we talked some more and laughed at each others jokes. He took me home,and as I alighted ,he gave me a quick hug and put his lips to mine and kissed me slowly and reverently. His body was hot and I wanted to get  burned  so I gave in to it. I gave all of it. It was a moments madness where body ruled mind, long and satisfying as my favorite meal. He called when he got home just as he promised.

The events of the night kept replaying in my mind as  I lay in bed.It felt like I had just had my first kiss,could it be love?  I hadn't felt so alive in a long while. After my fiance Jayden stood me up at the alter some two years ago, my doors went closing in  on all the men. I found joy on the airwaves of Orange 98.8fm, and with time spent with the girls rather than getting emotional over a man.
Before I met and dated Jayden ,most of the guys I had fallen for ,had either been unavailable, taken by a friend or were having an affair .

I blushed and smiled with a sensation.
Maybe,just maybe I had fallen for him. On my own. Without any pressure from anyone.Without forcing it. For now all I know is, I had found someone who made me smile. I felt a wave of relief drift over my body as I faded off to sleep.

This is for my new friend 'Drew', who makes me smile anytime we talk .Its funny to have had you ignore me totally the first day I saw you and now all you do is to make me laugh. I enjoy all of the pampering moments. This is also for Vida who had her share of unpleasant relationships. I don't believe in love in any way but I know *Love is still a beautiful thing. Hold on and hold out...........Love is gonna find you and when it does I would be here to listen to it all..

Saturday 7 March 2015

A rememberance Note................I Waited In Vain

So Saturday was valentines day.A day set aside specifically to show love to the people we love and those who matter the most in our lives. Today I celebrate the life of a witty,handsome,down to earth and warm

hearted gentleman  who loved me so dearly. On this day I would like to say thank you for sticking and staying through my darkest moments and at the time when my family had turned their back on me. Thank you for opening the doors of your house to me,feeding and clothing me as if    you gave birth to me.

You were the only person who  never  complained about how stubborn I was nor how short my fingers were.Whether  my palms felt soft or not so long as it was me, you were good to go. You so loved my imperfections and you had your own way of correcting,guiding and moulding me into a better person.

There were moments you had gotten angry and  days when you could have just walked away but you made the bond between us grow stronger and stronger instead. I still remember our fights. Petty fights all because you were so jealous and didn't want to share  me with anyone. Gosh,your anger burns.But I loved you more after every fight and so did you. I also remember the kisses from your pink African lips............they were so sweet,and your touches were like eating chocolates.

I miss the way you tease me,sometimes made me want to cry and it made you laugh so much. Till now, I still do not know what you saw in me but your desire for me to climb the ladder of success was your biggest priority and by the grace of God here I am. It hurts me that you went away so quickly and that you wont be there in the midst of the crowd cheering me on as I receive #my honors. Oh how could distance do this to me? Why should you be taken away so suddenly?.............No goodbyes, no drop offs and picks from school, no pillow fights, no cuddling  up on the couch or sitting on the grass watching the stars. Neither were there any kisses nor holidaying on the beach in Ada.............
You were gone within a twinkle of an eye.....................Hmmmmmm.

This is heartbreaking and here I am wishing I had listened to you when you said we should have a baby. At least if I had given birth he or she would remind me of You. I wanted to be done with school first so I can really settle down and make a family with you. Gosh! This pain in my heart,now I am left with memories. Wherever  you are ,thank you for showing me what love is and what it really means to be loved. You were my perfect gentleman and a priceless gift. I dream of you, I smell you and I feel you all around . You would always remain stuck at the right side of my heart.Truly there's none and would be none like you. I love you!

I  did not hear from you on Saturday. I tried calling you.Something kept pushing me to call you. I tried again yesterday and still there was no response. I didn't know your silence meant  you were bidding me goodbye. I called this morning and was told you went to be with the Lord a few hours ago.
I am saddened by the news of your departure. So I have been waiting for you  to come back to Ghana and all I can look forward to now,is a last glance at your mortal remains.
I miss you so much already, I'm going to miss you. You didn't even  speak with me for the final time............God keep your beautiful soul.

In remembrance  of the man who genuinely loved me and gave his all to make me happy............Kwabena Kyereboah